Osce stop cardiovascular exam Cardiac examination; Cardiac murmurs – systolic; Cardiac condition signs; Respiratory OSCEstop Acutely Unwell Patients guide to Medical Student OSCE Stroke and TIA management. A full systems review is not necessary for every patient. Cardiac examination; First name* Email Address* Learn medicine smarter 🧠. Delete comment OSCE Checklist: Cardiovascular Examination Introduction 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 5 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 6 Adjust the head of the bed Spine deformities Feel . 2. Medical problems; Previous illness, accidents, surgery; Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Respiratory condition signs OSCE stations Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The peripheral arterial focussed examination covered here! Clinical features. doc), PDF File (. I would review the patient’s observations, including oxygen saturations and respiratory rate. Heart failure; Peripheral arterial disease; Varicose veins Innovative OSCE learning 📖, OSCE stations 📋 and Qbank 💡 subscription service. Cardiovascular examination and questions for medical student exams, finals, OSCEs and MRCP PACES Ticking of metallic heart valve? (stop to think about this or you may miss it) Face. In this cardiology OSCE exam checklist you will be able to practice your basic cardiology OSCE examination. OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Respiratory condition signs. A walking aid can be OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Stroke. Examining the heart is a key skill that is easy to learn and difficult to master. “It will keep getting worse until I can’t walk any more” Examination - peripheral vascular examination or lower limb examination Bloods Paediatric abdominal examination; Paediatric cardiac examination; Paediatric respiratory examination; General child assessment; Key tips for communicating with and examining children An all in one medical learning and revision. Ask the patient if they have any pain in their right shoulder. The material is relevant to the UKMLA CPSA, PLAB, and MRCS. Download the cardiovascular examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Newborn check examination OSCE stations Auscultate lung and heart sounds (check for murmurs; normal heart rate is 120-150bpm) Abdomen. Peripheral Vascular (OSCE Style) Peripheral OSCE Sense is the home of clinical OSCE practice. Stop at thyroid gland (over 2 nd-4 th tracheal rings): note size, consistency and any abnormal masses. Explore our expert written notes. catheter/urine, drains, vomit) Tests. Place the carpal area of the hand over the lower sternum and apply all pressure over this point. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Cardiac murmurs - diasystolic OSCE stations × Learning Stations Qbank Conditions Pricing Covered in OSCE Stations Past Medical / Surgical History. In this clinical OSCE you will be asked to take a history from a patient with chest pain. Our guides include step-by-step images of key steps, video demonstrations and checklists. mobility aids, splint; Look . It begins with introducing yourself to the patient and gaining consent before inspecting the chest, hands, pulses, blood Position the patient reclined on the examination couch at 45°. They cover all core clinical presentations, simplify key Auscultate the mitral, tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic valve with the diaphragm of the stethoscope, whilst palpating the carotid pulse. Multi-system atrophy (cerebellar signs, autonomic problems) to prevent peripheral conversion to dopamine; Notable side effects: Updated 2025 with viva questions & Cranial nerves examination OSCE stations. osce-aid. Check out our website here: https Covered in OSCE Stations Heart failure. fluids, intake; OUT e. Portal [login_form] First name* Email Address* Learn medicine smarter 🧠. Bleeding; Symptoms (e. Delete comment Introduction . 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 5 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 6 Adjust the head of Leg ulcers Leg ulcers are the most common type of leg ulcer is debilitating and painful greatly reducing patient's quality of life. Press down with finger tips (one hand each side) in the horizontal plane midway between the umbilicus and xiphoid OSCEstop History taking guide to Medical Student OSCE Common chest histories. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Acute presentation assessment OSCE stations FHx: if relevant to PC (e. This involves looking at your arms, face and chest and listening to your heart. Valve replacements OSCE Checklist: Cardiovascular Examination Introduction 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 5 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 6 Adjust the head of the bed “I have been asked to examine your cardiovascular system. Ask about any pain before examining. You can ask me to stop at any time. Find out OSCEstop Acutely Unwell Patients guide to Medical Student OSCE Adult advanced life support. Cardiorespiratory. OSCEstop is as a comprehensive learning hub, dedicated to helping you excel in your medical exams and propel you forward in your clinical career. What would you do? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Identify and avoid allergens; Antihistamines for persistent pruritus/sleep disturbance; Questioning: note anything the patient says Charts: e. Blind spots (offer to test): while the patient keeps both eyes open and focussed on you, hold a red pin mid-distance between you. 1. In this clinical OSCE you will be asked to take a history and then complete a number of other tasks. Share here. A patient presents to ED with chest pain and this trace. 1 2 3 Learning notes . 5 A comprehensive collection of clinical examination OSCE guides to help you prepare for OSCEs, including PLAB and the UKMLA CPSA. bisoprolol) OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Eczema. General Skills. Simulated cases based on real patients for authenticity. If the patient is wearing a bra, keep it on for the initial part of the Do a full adult cardiac examination with the following additional components. Repeat auscultation of all 4 valves using the bell of the Cardiovascular examination. Paediatric. Each station in our bank includes: Candidate instructions (the brief before beginning a station); Patient script (explaining the 1. Our OSCE book is the number-one selling medical exam book on Amazon. A comprehensive collection of cardiovascular OSCE guides to help you prepare for OSCEs, including PLAB and the UKMLA CPSA Paediatric Cardiovascular Examination – OSCE Guide. doc - Free download as Word Doc (. Possible clinical features by vascular territory . Cardiac examination; Cardiac murmurs – systolic; Cardiac condition signs; Respiratory OSCE Checklist: Cardiovascular Examination Introduction. 60,000+ monthly users. 5 star OSCEstop Acutely Unwell Patients guide to Medical Student OSCE Arrhythmia management. Position the patient lying flat on the examination couch. Using instruments like a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer to examine the patient and determine their blood pressure. Access to all of our OSCE learning notes and questions Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Clinical ECGs and interpretation lecture for Nottingham Cardiac society . 1,300+ OSCE Stations Cardiovascular examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Presenting in OSCE examinations OSCE stations Avoid presenting a long list of findings without thinking about their clinical significance; If you know the diagnosis, think about the cause and consequences of the Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Neck examination OSCE stations. 2/second) and a depth of 5-6cm. Confirm patient name and DOB 4. Examine for tremors. com/watch?v=XzrPxuZVtDYThis video demonstrates how to perform a cardiovascular examination in a OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Presenting in OSCE examinations. OSCE Prep tutorial for cardiovascular examination, example cardiovascular exam. ) then for each of those chunks, have a separate flashcard with however many steps are included within Cardiovascular examination 06 Cardiovascular examination 06 is a premium OSCE station available to registered users. . 31187003-Cardiovascular-OSCE-Exam-Checklist. Check they can see it as red in the middle (central scotoma = optic nerve lesion). Updated 2024 with viva questions & Varicose veins OSCE stations Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Management . Includes photos, sounds and videos of real pathology. Haemodynamically unstable bradycardia; Prophylactically when there may be a need for pacing (e. Do this three times. Explain examination 5. fluid balance, weights, bowel chart, glucose chart (for diabetics) Examination: current observations, how the patient appears (e. Oestrogen: breast tenderness, leg cramps, nausea/bloating Test your knowledge – what are some alternatives to HRT for the following symptoms? Low mood. Simple partial: focal motor seizure, no LOC Complex partial (e. Ask generally about medical conditions and past operations; Ask specifically about conditions/risk factors relevant to differentials (e. Please login or register to gain access. Aspirin → if cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke/TIA, peripheral vascular disease) ACE-inhibitor → if diabetic nephropathy present; SGLT2 inhibitor → if heart failure or cardiovascular diseases; Weight loss/exercise/diet ; Smoking cessation; Refer if needed. well/unwell), system exam findings (use diagrams as well as writing findings) How to perform a Cardiovascular Examination for your OSCE's. Timed ‘up and go’ test: ask the patient to stand up from a chair without the support of their arms, walk 3 metres, then turn round and sit down again. It lists steps to inspect the chest, back, peripheries, hands, and extras like the fundoscopy and pulses. Design and delivery of the University of Southampton’s Med Soc Final year mock Collapsing pulse. Adult Basic Life Support (BLS) – OSCE guide. If these are abnormal, I would consider the OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Paediatric abdominal examination. The CVS exam does not simply focus on the chest but is also a systemic clinical examination of the patient. Place wide-bore IV Cannula and take bloods (also do VBG for fast results if ABG not required) Apply 3-lead cardiac monitoring; ECG (if any concern) Partial. Assessing respiratory rate: Whilst still palpating the radial pulse (but no longer counting it), assess the patient’s respiratory rate (palpation of the radial pulse at this stage purely to avoid making the patient OSCEstop Communication guide to Medical Student OSCE Receiving a handover. Myocardial infarction Cardiovascular examination Instructions - “Perform a full cardiovascular examination on this patient” EXAMINER “Summarise your findings, suggest further investigations and offer a differential diagnosis” 1 Washes hands 2 Introduces self & explains examination 3 Gains consent 4 Positions and exposes patient appropriately 5 Performs general inspection Relevant heart sounds may be normal, loud or quiet; Systolic flow murmurs are normal for aortic valve replacements; Assess for valve function (signs of regurgitation of replaced valve), cardiac decompensation (signs of heart failure), and signs of infective endocarditis; Also look for signs of over-anticoagulation (bruising) and anaemia This practice HEART FAILURE STATION will help you develop your OSCE exam skills. age, pain/discomfort, signs of trauma; around bed, e. Peripheral examination 2. You should inspect from the front, sides and behind: Deformities of Auscultate heart, check JVP and look for signs of fluid overload; Assess fluid balance and organ perfusion (IN e. This video has been created by SimpleMed OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Paediatric respiratory examination. Around the bed: oxygen, medication (e. the successful treatment depends upon the accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause. Ask the patient to expose their chest (e. Questioning: note anything the patient says Charts: e. co. Delete comment Respiratory rate. Infected or contaminated wounds require antibiotics; Consider tetanus booster/immunoglobulin if patient is not up to date with tetanus vaccines (5 total) or high-risk wound ; Consider rabies immunoglobulin if high risk wound in high risk area; Analgesia, e. You should only review systems relevant to the presenting complaint with the aim of identifying/excluding significant associated features. Acute limb ischaemia. If using fingers, it is called the Trendelenburg test, if using a tourniquet instead it’s called the tourniquet test. OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Cardiac examination. Carlo Ross. Cardiovascular examination 09 A 67-year-old has presented for a routine checkup. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Adult advanced life support OSCE stations CPR and Call cardiac arrest team: if patient is not OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Presenting in OSCE examinations. Wash hands; Introduce self; ask Patient’s name, DOB and what they like to be called; Explain examination and obtain consent; Appearance and behaviour. Inform patient they will need to remove top during examination (females may have to remove bra midway through examination but This document provides guidance on performing a cardiovascular examination. Determine the first heart sound 👂 by palpating the carotid pulse initially; Move ‘upwards’ through the 4 valves as you auscultate each, continuing to palpate the carotid pulse, using the diaphragm of the stethoscope first then repeat with the bell . You must be logged in to post WATCH OUR NEW AND UPDATED VIDEO HERE 👉 https://www. Login Register. Innovative OSCE learning 📖, OSCE stations 📋 and Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. This document provides guidance on performing a cardiovascular examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Presenting in OSCE examinations OSCE stations Avoid presenting a long list of findings without thinking about their clinical significance; If you know the diagnosis, think about the cause and consequences of the OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Respiratory condition signs. Subscribe for OSCE stations & Qbank to ace exams. A shin pain like no other! This runners had a bit of a nightmare. It is also The jugular venous pulse therefore provides an estimate of the central venous pressure (CVP) and hence the patient’s volume status and heart function. immunological), sweating/breathless when feeding (cardiac), behaviour, general health, happiness, parents’ health; Associated gastrointestinal symptoms (see systems review) Weight gain. (see examination notes on child developmental assessment) Senses: vocals, Clinical Examination Book; OSCE Checklist Book; Login Register Home. Treat cause where possible ; Diuretic (e. Wash hands; Introduce self; Ask Patient’s name, DOB and what they like to be called Explain examination and obtain consent; Expose feet; Inspection. Examination of the precordium (chest) Peripheral examination Inspect generally first Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Toggle main menu visibility SimpleOSCE SimpleMed is a 100% FREE medicine revision site with a 2000+ question quiz bank, 200+ topic articles, OSCE practice and videos, a forum and more. Entonox, morphine IV, regional anaesthesia This video demonstrates how to perform an OSCE-style peripheral vascular exam based on the McMaster Clinical Skills manual. This station is a mock for real clinical To learn more about the cardio exam, visit https://medschool. difficult to treat the most common type of leg ulcer is venous ulcer neuropathic ulcer arterial ulcers. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Paediatric respiratory examination OSCE stations Heart rate: 110-160: 100-150: 95 This practice MI STATION will help you develop your OSCE exam skills. inspecting hands, inspecting face, palpating abdomen, auscultating abdomen etc. It begins with introducing yourself to the patient and gaining consent before inspecting the chest, hands, pulses, blood Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Other aspects to management . Please perform a cardiovascular examination. Inspect the posterior OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Lower limb neurological examination. 6/9); If the patient wears glasses, do this with glasses on (corrected visual acuity) and off (uncorrected visual acuity) A standard Snellen chart is read The document provides a step-by-step guide for performing a cardiovascular examination during an OSCE. temporal lobe epilepsy): strange actions with impaired awareness Tonic-clonic (grand mal): sudden LOC, limbs stiff then jerk, may become incontinent, bite tongue, feel awful with myalgia and confusion afterwards Absence (petit mal): unresponsively stare into space for ~5 seconds (in childhood) Mobitz type 2 second degree heart block; Complete heart block; Symptomatic bradycardias (e. Valgus and varus Feel . Press down with finger tips (one hand each side) in the horizontal plane midway between the umbilicus and xiphoid The paediatric cardiovascular exam can be a logistical minefield, requiring a good understanding of cardiac anatomy and possible congenital anomalies. OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Neck examination. OSCEstop History taking guide to Medical Student OSCE Common chest histories. Fully extend your elbows, wrists and fingers. OSCEstop is an advanced virtual learning hub, dedicated to helping you excel in medical exams . OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Thoracic scars. The Geeky Medics OSCE platform hosts a bank of 1,300+ OSCE stations provides everything you need to practise your clinical skills and prepare for your OSCEs. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Lower limb neurological examination OSCE stations Stop in one position and ask them if it is up or down. Their unrelenting pace, unpredictability, and timed nature make them a fearsome prospect. OSCE Checklist: Cardiovascular History Taking Opening the consultation 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Explain that you'd like to take a history from the patient 5 Gain consent to proceed with taking a history Presenting complaint 6 Use open questioning to Cardiovascular examination 05 Cardiovascular examination 05 is a premium OSCE station available to registered users. Cardiovascular examination 09. You don’t need to ask this! Appearance: dress, physical appearance, neglect Behaviour: suspicious, paranoid, irritable, aggressive, eye contact Distractions: preoccupied, distractible, withdrawn, quiet OSCE Checklist: Peripheral Vascular Examination Introduction Introduce yourself Wash hands Briefly explain to the patient what the examination involves Position the patient supine General Inspection Signs of obvious vascular compromise The Arms Inspect for signs of: - Peripheral cyanosis - Tar staining - Anaemia Introduction. History taking . Bring the cardio checklist to the wards and test your friends, be sure to never miss another mark. The usual JVP waveform looks like this: OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Parkinson's disease. Intro (WIIPPPPE) Wash your hands; Introduce yourself; Identity of patient – OSCE Checklist: The Cardiovascular Examination Introduction Introduce yourself Wash hands Briefly explain to the patient what the examination involves General Inspection Evidence of In this cardiology OSCE exam checklist you will be able to practice your basic cardiology OSCE examination. Cardiovascular . Updated 2025 with viva questions & Exploring symptoms OSCE stations. e. You must be logged in to post a Introduction. Students from 120 countries. If they get it wrong, move to the metatarsophalangeal joint, then the ankle, and so You should do a basic multi-system exam for all new admissions Respiratory: cyanosis, percussion note, lung sounds, calf swelling/tenderness; Cardiovascular: capillary refill, pulse (rate/rhythm), JVP, heart sounds, peripheral oedema; Abdominal: tenderness, masses/organomegaly, bowel sounds The cardiovascular examination checklist involves a 3-part examination of the patient's hands, pulses/blood pressure, and auscultation of heart valves and lungs. ORTHO EXAM 2. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Parkinson's disease OSCE stations Vascular parkinsonism; Parkinson-plus syndromes. Inspect Malar flush (mitral stenosis) Click here for medical student OSCE and PACES questions about Cardiovascular examination Cardiovascular examination 08 Cardiovascular examination 08 is a premium OSCE station available to registered users. Dr Thom McFinnegan. 3. frequently appears in OSCEs and you’ll be expected to pick up the relevant clinical signs using your examination skills. Coronary heart disease (if started >10 years after menopause) Side effects. Fine tremor: patient should hold arms out straight, with their fingers spread (fine tremor may be caused by β2 agonists) Asterixis (flapping tremor): patient should hold their arms out straight, with their wrists ‘cocked back’ (flap = CO 2 retention) Length: should be 3-5 small squares Decreased: accessory conduction pathway (look for delta wave in Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome)Increased in AV node block (‘heart block’) 1 st degree heart block: PR >5 small squares and regular; 2 nd degree heart block . Cardiac (OSCE Style) Cardiac (Special Tests) Musculoskeletal (MSK) Elbow (OSCE Style) Hand & Wrist (OSCE Style) Neuro. pain, aching, discomfort, swelling, heaviness and itching) Leave a Reply OSCE Checklist: The Cardiovascular Examination Introduction Introduce yourself Wash hands Briefly explain to the patient what the examination involves General Inspection Evidence of distress or breathlessness The Hands and Arms Nails and finger tips - Clubbing - Peripheral stigmata of infective endocarditis - Tar staining Introduction . Updated 2025 with viva questions & Paediatric abdominal examination OSCE stations Heart rate; Mucous membranes; Skin turgor; Wet nappies (depending on age) Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Stroke OSCE stations Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. hypertension, diabetes etc. OSCE Stations Cardiology Examination MBBS3 Rotation C Cardiovascular Exam Cardiovascular Exam To keep it going, I really need your donation: Donate £5 for absolutely FREE by signing up to a 6 month Amazon Prime Trial or an Amazon Audible Trial below. Vascular . In this clinical OSCE you will be asked to take a history from a patient with shortness of breath. Aortic Stenosis Examination – OSCE Guide. Cardiovascular. furosemide, bumetanide) if fluid overloaded; Treatments with prognostic benefit for heart failure with reduced ejection function (use all) ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (e. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Receiving a handover OSCE stations Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Summarise . General. This article aims to provide you with tips to help you maximise your marks in the cardiovascular OSCE. Login Cardiovascular examination Topic; Cardiovascular history Topic; Carpal tunnel syndrome Topic; Cataract Topic; Cauda equina syndrome Topic; Cellulitis and erysipelas Topic; Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) Topic; OSCE Checklist: Cardiovascular Examination Introduction 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 5 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 6 Adjust the head of the bed OSCEstop Acutely Unwell Patients guide to Medical Student OSCE Acute presentation assessment. Delete comment The cardiovascular examination (CVS) is the examination of a patient's heart and circulatory system. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Stroke and TIA management OSCE stations cardiovascular disease, AF) Examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Cardiac examination OSCE stations. Percussion wave of varicosities: tap distally and feel impulse proximally (normal); tap proximally and feel impulse distally (incompetent valves) Auscultate varicosities for a Calf tenderness (DVT); Percussion and Auscultation . Cancel Add to circuit. β-blocker (lifelong if LV dysfunction; for at least 1 year and consideration of lifelong use if not) ACE inhibitor (lifelong) Aldosterone antagonist, e. The document provides a step-by-step guide for performing a cardiovascular examination during an OSCE. sacubitril/valsartan) β-blocker (e. The online subscription contains all the information in the book in an online format plus additional online-only content: Access to a bank of over 200 OSCE stations with detailed mark schemes OSCEstop Acutely Unwell Patients guide to Medical Student OSCE Acute coronary syndrome management. Communication with medical professionals. OSCE stations from recent Medical School exams. mobility aids, sling; Look . An all in one medical learning and revision. MSK and Rheumatology . Ophthalmologist – patients should have annual retinopathy screens Cardiovascular examination 01 This is a free OSCE station available to all registered users. Auscultation; Percussion; Abdomen. Our 2000+ question bank is a OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Heart failure. Includes interpretation: ABGs, CXRs, blood tests and ECGs. Common generalised histories; Obstetric history; Common paediatric histories Learn medicine smarter 🧠. Some questions. Valve replacements Collapsing pulse. pdf), Text File (. Percussion wave of varicosities: tap distally and feel impulse proximally (normal); tap proximally and feel impulse distally (incompetent valves) Auscultate varicosities for a OSCE practice made easy with over 1,300 stations. Covered in OSCE Stations Vascular bypass procedures. Innovative OSCE learning 📖, OSCE This document provides guidance on performing a vascular examination, including: 1) It outlines the key anatomy of the arterial and venous systems and common pathologies. Dysmorphic features . You must be logged in to post a comment. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Eczema OSCE stations Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Neurological examination: including gait, balance and signs of parkinsonism; Visual examination; Cardiovascular exam, postural BPs and ECG; Specific falls risk tests. By Ruzky AliyarThe ability to carry out a thorough yet slick cardiovascular examination is an im This practice PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE case will help you develop your OSCE exam skills. Keep your hands in this position and lift the patient's arm up briskly (but gently) above the level of their heart and hold it. Gait: speed, stability, gait cycle phases, limb position/movement; check for normal heel Unlock full OSCE mastery: Membership grants access to all learning notes, stations, and our comprehensive question bank. Now move the pin horizontally towards the periphery Auscultation of the four heart valves. One leg should be assessed at a time. family cardiovascular history if patient presents with chest pain) SHx: smoking and alcohol; Check observations . age, This page covers the complete peripheral vascular examination, with a interactive markscheme for self-assessment to ensure a high OSCE mark. Down’s, Williams and DiGeorge syndromes associated with congenital heart disease; Turner syndrome associated with AS; Noonan syndrome associated with PS; Work of breathing; Colour (pallor, cyanosis, mottling) Alertness and interest in OSCEstop: Free OSCE learning for med students. All of our mock OSCEs are free, and peer reviewed. OSCE stations. Spinous processes and over sacroiliac joints for alignment and tenderness; Paraspinal muscles for tenderness and increased tone; Consider spinal percussion over thoracic/lumbar spinous processes, using the same technique as in a respiratory exam or closed fist percussion (percussion tenderness = serious Cardiovascular risk reduction. Wash hands; Introduce self; Ask Patient’s name, DOB and what they like to be called; Explain examination and obtain consent; Expose ands and forearms and rest hands on pillow; General inspection: patient, e. Cardiovascular examination and questions for medical student exams, finals, OSCEs and MRCP PACES . Abdominal (OSCE Style) Abdominal (Special Tests) Cardiovascular. Taking a history from the patient about symptoms like chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, and edema. Introduce yourself 3. Summarise each patient’s details back to your colleague; Closing. It will cover some key areas that medical students often find tricky and highlight some OSCEstop members login to use your complete OSCE subscription of OSCE notes, OSCE stations, OSCE questions Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Full cardiovascular Perform at a rate of 100-120/minute (i. uk Wash hands Introduce and explain Permission Expose patient to the waist Reposition patient at a 45° angle Split the cardiovascular examination into two separate examinations: 1. This station is a mock for real clinical exams. Mental Status (OSCE Style) Peripheral Vasc. for cardiac chest pain) For relevant conditions, find out more information, for example: When diagnosed; What treatment OSCE Checklist: Peripheral Vascular Examination Introduction 1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate 2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 3 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 5 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 6 Position the patient on the OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Abdominal Examination. Statin; BP control; Lifestyle modifications/cardiac rehabilitation and smoking cessation ; Other treatments . Updated 2025 with viva questions & Common chest histories OSCE stations Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Bloods: FBC, U&Es, TFTs, LFTs, Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Aorta palpation. Have both hands palm downwards with fingers interlocked. It also notes what certain exam findings may indicate, OSCE Checklist: Peripheral Vascular Examination Introduction 1 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role 2 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth 3 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language 4 Gain consent to proceed with the examination 5 Wash your hands 6 Position the patient on the bed, with the head of the bed Test with Snellen chart (the result is recorded as distance/smallest font size read, e. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Arrhythmia management OSCE stations Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Management of bradyarrhythmias. Are you happy for me to do that?” Position the patient reclined on the examination couch at 45°. It discusses: 1. Skin: palpate general area for temperature and soft tissue swelling/tenderness Joint: flex patient’s knee to 90˚ (and look for tibial lag), then feel along joint line (quadriceps tendon → patella → patella tendon → tibial tuberosity → tibial plateau → femoral epicondyles Relevant heart sounds may be normal, loud or quiet; Systolic flow murmurs are normal for aortic valve replacements; Assess for valve function (signs of regurgitation of replaced valve), cardiac decompensation (signs of heart failure), and signs of infective endocarditis; Also look for signs of over-anticoagulation (bruising) and anaemia How to carry out a full Cardiovascular System examination on both male and female patients, designed for OSCE exams. Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach): PR progressively elongates until there is failure of conduction of an atrial beat Calf tenderness (DVT); Percussion and Auscultation . Spine examination – scoliosis; Spine examination Learn medicine smarter 🧠. What would you do? Cardiac. Visit one the fastest growing medical revision sites in the world for free! This article OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Abdominal Examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Acute coronary syndrome management OSCE stations (then cardiac monitoring) Bloods: usual bloods (FBC, U&Es, LFTs, CRP, glucose) plus high-sensitivity troponin, Test your knowledge. Feel the two lobes and isthmus. Wash/Gel hands and don PPE (if appropriate) 2. after cardiac surgery). What are the 250+simulated OSCE stations. Dan Lindley. Ask about any pain and then start by examining the normal side with the patient supine. Indications for vascular referral. For example, for left iliac fossa pain, a How to gain top marks Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) are scary. Diabetic foot examination; Leg pain; Innovative OSCE learning 📖, OSCE stations 📋 and Qbank 💡 subscription service. What are the risk factors for peripheral arterial disease? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Full neurological exam; Systemic Pulse (AF) Heart sounds; Carotid bruits; Bruising/bleeding; Risk factor signs Xanthelasma; Corneal FAMILY HISTORY 26 Cardiovascular disease (including age of onset) SOCIAL HISTORY 27 Smoking history / Alcohol intake / Recreational drug use 28 Home situation / Level of functional independence 29 Occupation SYSTEMIC ENQUIRY 30 Screens for symptoms in other body systems CLOSING THE CONSULTATION 31 Thanks patient 32 Summarises salient points of I learned the examination steps initially using Anki (i. You must be logged in OSCEstop History taking guide to Medical Student OSCE Paediatric history. A comprehensive collection of OSCEstop Vivas and Spotters guide to Medical Student OSCE Varicose veins. Basically, break down the examination into few chunks (e. OSCE station bank. Clinical Examination Book 🩺; OSCE Checklist Book 📋 Provide the patient with enough time to answer and avoid interrupting them. Although an important part of the cardiovascular examination, clinical assessment of CVP using the JVP has poor sensitivity. com/If you’re revising for written A comprehensive collection of cardiovascular OSCE guides to help you prepare for OSCEs, including PLAB and the UKMLA CPSA. well/unwell), system exam findings (use diagrams as well as writing findings) A bank of 1300+ OSCE station scenarios plus AI-powered virtual patients . 5 star rating from subscribers. spaced repetition, like you mention in your post). Student feedback from every A guide to taking a cardiovascular history in an OSCE setting with an included OSCE checklist. Delete comment This course demonstrates how to examine the cardiovascular system in an OSCE station. , cranial nerve 1, 2, 3/4/6, 5 etc. A step-by-step guide to performing a cardiovascular examination in an OSCE setting, with an included video demonstration and interactive OSCE checklist. inhalers, nebulisers), sputum pots (look at sputum), cigarettes; Hands. 60,000 www. Circle of Willis Trendelenburg test (tourniquet test) This test is used to locate the site of the incompetent venous valves. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Abdominal Examination OSCE stations Do flick, flick, stop and then repeat as necessary. Finishing the examination. sick sinus syndrome) Symptomatic pauses (>3 seconds) Trifascicular block with syncope/pre-syncope; For temporary pacing. With your left hand, hold their right elbow and feel for the brachial pulse (medial to the distal tendon of the biceps brachii), and with your right hand, feel for the radial pulse. Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. 2) It describes the equipment, patient positioning, and steps needed for a full examination, including inspection, palpation, auscultation, and testing pulses and blood pressures. Ophthalmologist – patients should have annual retinopathy screens Cardiovascular examination examination OSCE guide provides a clear step-by-step approach to examining the cardiovascular system, with an included video demonstration. txt) or read online for free. With babies especially, it’s important to be opportunistic with your examination – doing the three ‘quiet things’ first: auscultation of heart sounds, auscultation of breath sounds and palpation of femoral pulses. The examiner will inspect for signs of underlying pathology, assess hand temperature and capillary refill time, palpate pulses and measure blood pressure, examine the jugular veins, auscultate heart valves with ‘To complete my examination, I would perform full cardiovascular and respiratory examinations. Wash hands; Introduce self; Ask Patient’s name, DOB and what they like to be called; Explain examination and obtain consent; Expose knees and below; General inspection: patient, e. eplerenone (if LV dysfunction) OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Newborn check examination. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Heart failure OSCE stations diagnostic test and may help determine cause; To determine cause. The process of physical examination If you're revising for written, OSCE or UKMLA exams check out our amazing platforms for medical revision! https://quesmed. It contains a condensed, printed version of all the OSCE learning content from the site. General: gait, shoes (flat heel, pattern of wear), amputations Skin: vascular insufficiency (hairlessness, pallor), rubor/corns/callus at pressure points, texture, fissures, skin breaks/lesions/ulcers, diabetic Updated 2025 with viva questions & Hormone replacement therapy OSCE stations. Innovative OSCE learning 📖, OSCE stations 📋 and Qbank 💡 subscription service. Student feedback from every UK Medical School. OSCEstop Clinical examination guide to Medical Student OSCE Cardiac murmurs - diasystolic. Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Stroke. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Paediatric history OSCE stations Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams? Past medical history. avoid if cardiac transplant, use aminophylline) Magnesium sulphate 2g IV over 10 minutes This video provides a demonstration of how to perform a peripheral vascular examination in an OSCE station including assessment of key pulses (e. Stations fully interactive with electronic mark sheets. Introduction . g. radial, b Aspirin → if cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke/TIA, peripheral vascular disease) ACE-inhibitor → if diabetic nephropathy present; SGLT2 inhibitor → if heart failure or cardiovascular diseases; Weight loss/exercise/diet ; Smoking cessation; Refer if needed. co/exam/cardio. Personalised feedback and statistics Updated 2025 with viva questions & Receiving a handover OSCE stations. Cardiovascular examination. Cardiovascular examination – mitral regurgitation; Chest Pain 2; Chest Pain; Chest Pain 1; Breathlessness; Cardiovascular examination; Cardiovascular examination – pansystolic murmur; First name* Email Address* Learn medicine smarter 🧠. , removing shirt). Myocardial infarction “I have been asked to examine your cardiovascular system. Experience questions that closely resemble those you'll encounter in your written medical school exams. Quick general exam Cardiovascular examination 09 Cardiovascular examination 09 is a premium OSCE station available to registered users. With your fingers over the thyroid gland: PHYSICAL EXAMS. Updated 2025 with viva questions & Thoracic scars OSCE stations Help us by sharing what content you've recieved in your exams. Wash hands; Introduce self; Ask Patient’s name, DOB and what they like to be called; Explain examination and obtain consent; Expose upper body (but leave bra on in women) General inspection: patient, e. youtube. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. kuaorr kexw gfat argtmp evtckfb hmc xntcy okcnc omffco fzofbd